Welcome to the Camp Sealth news blog! Stay connected with what's happening at camp all year long. Meet the camp staff, see pictures of camp, and find out about camp events that are coming up. Let us know if you have an idea for a story you'd like us to post.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dad/Kid Weekend

As a year-round staff member at Camp Sealth, we often get the well-meaning question, "But what do you do when there's no kids at camp?" There are a lot of ways to answer this, but the most obvious one is that there are kids at camp year-round!

A few weekends ago, we had Camp Fire groups from all around the Puget Sound area come to camp with their dads in tow. Over 200 dads and kids joined us at Camp Sealth for outdoor activities, arts and crafts, archery, and other fun.
Fortunately, the weather cooperated, and each and every dad and kid had a great time. They were able to spend time on our 300+ acres of forest and shoreline, exploring the outdoors and learning about our environment. They were also able to spend some time getting wild and crazy indoors!:

All photos used here can be found in the SBC Campfire Flickr Stream. Thanks to the photographers for generously allowing us to use the photos!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sand Lance Training

Today at Camp Sealth, our friends at the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife came down teach our staff about Sand Lances, a type of fish native to the Puget Sound. We learned about how to protect and preserve this fascinating species. They love to spawn on our beaches due to the coarse sand environment. Interestingly enough, they...... are one of the only fish that spawn in the winter! We are careful to keep off the beach during the off-season to protect these fish from danger.

Pictured from left to right: Camp Director Rick Taylor, Environmental Education Program Manager Martin Bremer, Environmental Education Program Assistant Andy Oh, Facility Manager Steve Lomax, Facility Assistant Eric Miller, and our coach Dayv from Washington Fish & Wildlife. Not pictured is Camp Fire Puget Sound CEO Bridgett Chandler, who took the photo. Thanks to everyone for a great training!
Dayv Lowry, Ph.D., is a jack of many trades. His official title is Marine Ecologist - Forage Fish Scientist of the Habitat Program, Science Division, of the Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. We were happy to have him join us at camp.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Welcome to Gold One!

We are pleased to welcome another NCCC team to Camp Sealth for the next several months! Below is a portrait of Gold One, made up of eight outstanding individuals from all corners of the country. Hailing from Georgia, California, and everywhere in between, this is a diverse group of people who are sure to bring something new to Camp Sealth.

There are several tasks Gold One will be working on throughout their time here. As always, the trails at Camp Sealth need work -- it is a never-ending job to clear and maintain the miles of trail we use throughout the summer. With the recent wind- and rain-storms in the Pacific Northwest, there are a lot of downed trees and scattered brush that needs to be cleared before kids start coming to camp.

And kids will be here soon -- which has to do with the other half of Gold One's work here at Camp. During the spring, we run an Environmental Education program. Groups of schoolchildren from all over Western Washington come to camp to learn about the environment. Gold One, after extensive training, will be part of this program, teaching local kids about how to preserve the forests, wetlands, and marine areas all found at Camp Sealth. Gold One will be teaching everything from astronomy to sustainability, all while spending time on the gorgeous property of Camp Sealth. We're very excited to spend time with Gold One and get to know them better over these next few months! Check back for more updates on their goings-on.

To read more about Camp Sealth's Environmental Ed program, go here.
Photos borrowed from Gold One's introductory brochure. Want a copy or want to know more about Gold One? Send us an email: campstaff@campfire-usa.org.