Dear Readers:
We're excited to announce the return of our Staff Member of the Month feature! Every month we'll interview and introduce you to a year-round or seasonal Camp Sealth staff member, what they have to say about camp, and some fun facts about them. Check back regularly for profiles of your favorite staff members!
April: Wonton (as interviewed by Cheshire) |
What’s your name?
My name is Daniel Muzi or Wonton Soup, depending on whether I’m at camp or not at camp.
Where are you from?
I’m from Seattle, Washington.
What’s your job at Camp Sealth this summer?
I’m going to be a Teen Leadership counselor.
What do you do when you're not at camp?
I’ll be in school for at least one more year. I study animation and game design, with minors in creative writing and math. I also play video games and…that’s about it.
Did you go to camp as a kid? Did you like it?
I did, and I did!
What’s your favorite camp food?
I really like chicken fettucini alfredo.
Me too! I feel like it's underappreciated.
I don’t know if I could call it my favorite, because we don’t have it frequently enough, but every time it’s there, I eat it.
If you could be cabinmates with any person, living or dead, who would it be?
Do you want me to write “Cheshire” or “You”?Good question.
If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Why?
I would be a velociraptor, because they’re beasts. Not just that they’re bestial, but that they’re just so cool, and smart; they’re the definition of cool.
Tell us a funny camp story.
Last year, at First Night Fun, when we asked campers what things we shouldn’t put in toilets, one camper said “Babies!” We could not stop laughing.
What does camp mean to you?
It’s like my second home. I feel more comfortable there than almost any other place, ever, which is awesome. And it means I get to hang out with Cheshire.